
Terra Fuego Services

The Terra Fuego Fuels Crew reduces hard costs to homeowners seeking to improve the fire readiness of their homes, and by working with the local Fire Safe Councils (FSC’s), we create a matching contribution to existing projects. Terra Fuego is a non profit meaning we are looking in the best interest of our clients not our wallets. Our dedication to the protection of the land is unparalleled with our only mission being the conservation of California’s land for years to come.  Please contact us for additional information.

Fuels Treatment

Terra Fuego works with public and private land owners to reduce forest fire fuel, increase defensible space, and implement strategic fuel breaks on property to help manage fire. Additionally Terra Fuego does professional consulting, grant writing, and project management.

Job Development and Training

We provide deliberate supervision and meaningful work through community improvement projects. Terra Fuego provides National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) standardized training which includes wildland chainsaw, basic fire behavior, and incident command system operations. We empower individuals with leadership skills which has lead to careers in forestry or wildland fire and has connected individuals to the places where they live.

Community Outreach

Terra Fuego strives to educate communities in California about the importance of prescribed burns. We collaborate with other non profit organizations on prescribed fire projects and provide nationally recognized wildland fire training training through our TREX events.

Terra Fuego is based out of Chico California in Butte county. We operate in most of the Northern and Central California regions, providing proven service to members of both rural and populated communities.

Yurok TREX, Klamath River
Firestorm with Terra Fuego Resource Foundation